About the club
A safe, sociable and stimulating day out for people with memory loss or
mild to moderate dementia
- High staff & volunteer ratios to ensure a safe and vibrant session.
- We can collect members and drop them home afterwards.
- Held every fortnight from 10.30 to 3.30pm in Hadlow Down Village Hall
What we do
Each session has a theme to shape the day – sometimes to do with a current event or the season eg. Valentines, Springtime, Halloween. We then build up an interesting day of activities, poems and music to take us through the day. We have sufficient volunteers to allow plenty of support for activities, whether reminiscing about the theme and helping members to remember what they can or in hands on help with crafts or puzzles. We always have a musical element to the day and our members often amaze us with their singing ability and memory of the words.
Food plays an important role too – with tea and homemade cakes on arrival and again in the afternoon and a lovely lunch made in the village hall kitchen.
Our volunteers are able to collect members and also bring them home allowing families and carers get the maximum benefit of time to themselves.
Cost and timings
Cost £55.00 per day with an extra charge if volunteer transport is required.
Club comments

Join our friendly team of helpers today!
We are always looking for more volunteers to join our friendly team of helpers. If you enjoy helping others and can give up some of your time, please get in touch to find out how you can contribute
For more information
Please contact Wendy Coleman wendy@atcoleman.com
or on 07961 450357 for more information